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Old Casino Games: The Earliest Gambling

The oldest casino games

Gambling has been around for centuries. Obviously, it hasn’t always taken place in casinos, but people have gambled in one way or another for many, many years.

The oldest recorded casino is the Venetian Ridotto, which was established in 1638. But what type of games were gamblers playing back then? Probably not state-of-the-art video slots! Back then, punters tended to stick to classic table games like Craps, Keno, Roulette, Blackjack, and Poker. Here, we explore some of the old casino games in more detail. Don’t miss it out!

The Oldest Casino Games

First on the list of old casino games is Craps. For those who are unsure, Craps is a dice game in which players bet on the outcome of a roll, or a series of rolls, of a pair of dice. Players can either wager money against one another or against a “bank”. The former is known as Street Craps, while the latter is referred to as Table Craps or just Craps.

Craps was invented in the US and is based on the Western European game of Hazard. The exact origins of Hazard are unknown, but it’s believed to date back to the Crusades. The game was brought from London to New Orleans in 1807 by a young gambler named Bernard Xavier Philippe de Marigny de Mandeville.

Originally, Hazard players could choose any number from five to nine to be the main number; however, Marigny simplified the game and decided that the main number should always be seven. Both Hazard and the new variation were rejected by upper-class American’s, so Marigny decided to introduce the new game to lower-class locals. The old casino game soon became very popular and was carried by deckhands up the Mississippi River. The name Craps was actually a mispronunciation of the word “crabs”, which had been the joint epithet for the numbers two and three – the instant losing numbers for wagers on Pass.

Craps skyrocketed in popularity during the Second World War. Street Craps was popular amongst young soldiers, who often used a blanket to create a shooting surface. Before long, Craps had become the dominant game in Las Vegas and has remained popular ever since. If you’re a fan of old casino games, you won’t be disappointed by Craps.

Keno is also on the list for the world’s oldest casino games. To play the game, you must choose 15 numbers and then wait for the dealer to draw 20 numbers. You win if any of your numbers come up. So, in many ways, Keno is a type of lottery.

Like many old casino games, the rules of Keno are pretty straightforward. If you’re playing live Keno, you’ll be handed a card with 80 numbers arranged in rows of ten. You can mark anywhere between 1 and 20 numbers, though 15 is the most popular amount. You then give the card back to the dealer and place a bet.

It is thought that Keno originated in China. According to ancient legend, the creation of the game saved a city in time of war, and its popularity helped raise money to build the Great Wall of China. However, it’s now clear that using lotteries to fund public institutions was illegal in China before the late 19th century.

Keno was first played using sheets printed with Chinese Characters. Eventually, the game was introduced to the West when Chinese immigrants sailed across the Pacific Ocean to help build the First Transcontinental Railroad. While Keno is on the list of old casino games, it’s still highly popular today.

Luckiest number roulette

Next on the list of old casino games, we’ve got Roulette. Roulette is played using a small ball and a wheel containing pockets numbered from 1 to 36. The wheel also contains one or two 0 pockets, depending on whether you’re playing the European or American version. The game starts with the dealer spinning the wheel and throwing on the ball. The objective is to predict and bet on which pocket the ball will land in.

The version of Roulette we know today originated in France in the 18th century; however, the concept was actually invented in the 17th century by physicist Blaise Pascal. Pascal was trying to invent the perpetual motion machine – a contraption that would spin continually using its own energy. While the device didn’t work, Pascal had created the base for the Roulette wheel. By the end of the 18th century, the Roulette we know today started to appear in casinos across Europe. Like many old casino games, it continued to rise in popularity and can still be enjoyed all over the world. In fact, Roulette is now one of the most popular online gambling casino games.

It probably comes as no surprise that Blackjack is also on the list of old casino games. For those who are unsure, Blackjack is a card game in which players try to beat the dealer’s hand without going over twenty-one. To begin, each player is given two cards. Players are then given the option to either “hit” or “stand”, depending on the total of their hand. If a player chooses to “hit”, the dealer will give an additional card to try and get their total closer to 21. If the additional card tips the hand over 21, the player goes “bust” and is out of the game.

The exact origins of Blackjack are unknown; however, it was first referenced in a book in the early 1600s. Because of this, we can assume that it’s one of the world’s oldest casino games and include it on the old casino games list. Blackjack was seen in French casinos in the 1700s, where it was known as “Vingt-et-Un”. Eventually, Vingt-et-Un made its way over to America where it became known as “Twenty-One”. A few years later, it was being played globally and was referred to as “Blackjack”.

Last on the list of old casino games, we’ve got Poker. Poker is one of the old casino games played using a deck of 52 cards. The objective is to win money by capturing the pot, which contains bets placed by other players.

Like many of the old casino games, Poker has a rich and interesting history. It was first played in America in the 19th century and has grown over the years into the game we know today. Historians believe that poker was based on the European card game Poque, which was played in France in the 17th century. Poque travelled to North America with French colonists, where it later became known as Poker. Eventually, Poker became popular across the world after being played by soldiers during the First World War. Poker is one of the top old casino games that’s still played today.

So, there you have it – the casino gambling games list of old casino games. If you’re a fan of online gambling casino games, you’re in luck! At NetBet, we have a selection of old casino games including Roulette, Baccarat, and Blackjack. Simply sign up online to start playing today!

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