
Everything You Need to Know About Power Slap

Power Slap is a combat sport that has burst onto the scene over the past few years and has rapidly gained immense popularity. The concept of the sport simply involves competitors taking turns slapping each other as hard as possible.

The seemingly simple premise is supported by a fascinating history and development of the sport in its rapid growth, a sport which now includes an ever growing list of events and live broadcasting of matches.

NetBet is the new official sportsbook provider for Power Slap. Read on as we provide everything you need to know about the exciting promotion.

The Rules of Power Slap

To the casual viewer, Power Slap presents a chaotic spectacle. But just like other sports, competitors are governed by a carefully crafted set of rules and regulations to protect athletes and minimise injury. Every match has an official referee, with the following rules in place:


Each fight usually consists of between three and five rounds, although the promoter determines the number of rounds. Fight rounds cannot exceed 10.

The first striker gets 60 seconds to deliver the opening blow, after which the receiver has 60 seconds to recover, return to a ‘fight position’ and return a slap.

If a fighter is knocked to the ground and does not immediately return to their feet, the referee will conduct a verbal 10 count. If the fighter makes the count, they must then establish their ability to continue. Otherwise, their opponent will win by technical knockout, or TKO.

Judges implement a 10 point-must system (similar to boxing) to score each round.

Receivers are prohibited from flinching, raising their shoulders or tucking in their chin.

Punching or closed-handed strikes are forbidden, with only open-hand slaps permitted.

 Competitors must remain standing freely during the whole contest, not using their other hand or any assistance for support.

Mouthguards and inner ear protectors must be worn by all competitors.

Jewellery (on the head, neck, arms and fingers), headgear, hats and hand wrap or hand tape are all prohibited during a contest.

Divisions in Power Slap

The divisions in Power Slap are very similar to those found in mixed martial arts.

Male athletes compete at Welterweight, Middleweight, Light Heavyweight, Heavyweight and Super Heavyweight.

Female athletes only compete at Featherweight, although this is expected to change in the future.

The History of Power Slap

The beginnings of Power Slap can be traced back to folk traditions and duel-like challenges emerging in towns and cities, which were formalised in Russia where the sport was officially born. Viral videos and clips of the matches flooded the internet and gained the sport huge visibility due to its action-packed nature. These contests led to fully organised events, with the most notable being the Russian Slap Championship, paving the way for competitive slapping.

The popularity of slapping contests soon captured the attention of other countries, with the United States of America further popularising the sport through social media. People began to notice its potential for producing viral content, so dedicated leagues and competitions were formed.

And then the sport gained its big break in 2022 when Power Slap was founded by Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) CEO Dana White, who described it as “the ultimate test of toughness”. The UFC then began promoting events and fighters with their massive audience, drawing even more eyes to Power Slap and increasing its legitimacy throughout the combat sports space.

Key Events in Power Slap

Thanks to the UFC and White, Power Slap events have been widely publicised. The sport is now viewed by a much larger audience, with social platforms gaining millions of views on Power Slap clips. Here are some of the biggest events so far:

Power Slap 1: The event featured some of the hottest fighters in the sport and was streamed live with a newfound professionalism provided by the UFC influence.

Power Slap 2 The Rematch: This event introduced audiences to the potential for rivalries and high-stakes rematches between recognisable slappers. It delivered on White’s promise of thrilling action, as well as further adding to the sport’s credibility.

Power Slap International Showdown: The event introduced top slappers from around the world who battled it out for bragging rights in front of a worldwide audience.

Main ‘Slappers’

In the Power Slap arena, several stars of the sport have risen to the top, earning reputations for their powerful blows and remarkable durability. Here are some of the most prominent names in the current Power Slap landscape:

Ron “The Wolverine” Bata: Revered for his intelligent and strategic approach, Bata is one of the toughest slappers in the world. Known for his incredible ability to absorb blows, as well as devastating power.

Darius “The Destroyer” Mata-Varona: Also famed for his devastating power, The Destroyer’s name is known widely in the Power Slap community.

Frank “The Tank” Holland: Holland is known for his background in combat sports, giving him a competitive edge. He is one of the sport’s toughest athletes and is notoriously difficult to beat due to his experience.

Biggest Knockouts/Slaps

The X-factor of Power Slap is in the astonishing knockouts the sport produces, a perfect characterisation of the sheer power and action the promotion has to offer. Below are some of the biggest in the sport’s history:

Darius Mata-Varona (Power Slap 1): The Destroyer sent his opponent crashing to the mat on the competition’s debut event with the UFC, ending the fight and knocking out his opponent with just one slap.

Ron Bata (Power Slap 2): In his highly-anticipated match with Holland at Power Slap 2, Bata’s accuracy and technique won out against a resilient Holland as he sent him to the floor with a slap that shook the arena.

Vernon Cathey (Power Slap International Showdown): The former Highland Games competitor cemented his place as a rising star in Power Slap with a stunning strike that knocked his opponent unconscious instantly, shocking the live audience. 

How to Watch Power Slap

With the rapidly expanding popularity of the young sport, fans new and old can stream Power Slap live and for free on video platform Rumble.

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